Monday 13 February 2012

Highland Cattle Sale, Oban

We couldn't go across yesterday to the Highland Cattle Show as one of our own cows started calving just as we needed to leave, and we couldn't leave her until we knew her calf was safely born - by which time it was too late for the ferry. A few hours later and another calf was born too! So our calving has definitely started.

But the sale was interesting too.

Not a hair out of place.

Fans to keep them cool.

Neighbouring cattle from across the end of Calgary Bay.

Love the Highlander shaped Prize cards.

I don't know if anyone took up the offer of a Valentine's gift from Glasgow! We didn't. We were given a cow once though - a beautiful white Romagnola heifer as a wedding present, and a long time ago! She came from Mull too, though we were not living here at the time. It was the most generous present, and she was the beginning of our own small herd of cows.

We did not come home with any Highlanders though. Lots were being sold to Switzerland, Estonia and Finland today. They are used in grazing management projects. Perhaps we should be thinking of using them here - they graze in a different way from the Aberdeen Angus.
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