Thursday 22 August 2013

A break in the weather.

Bracken is a pervasive successful plant. It loves Mull.  We have an ongoing battle to keep it at bay. In some places we don't always win that battle without help. We do try. Farmer spends days and weeks mowing.  We stopped being organic because we realised we needed to resort to using a helicopter to reach the inacessible hillsides and rocky outcrops that you could not take a machine.  We had booked a helicopter early in the year.  We expected them to appear mid July.  They finally appeared today.  There is talk that if you spray too late, you are wasting your money.  You can imagine how that feels as the days go by and the weather is either too wet or too windy for them to come.  Sunday was the cut off as the pilot was going to Australia to do a spraying contract down there.  Thankfully (we hope) the conditions were fine, once this morning's mist had burned off.

By early afternoon it was crystal clear.

Lamb sales next week. Farmer has to move the tups.  He puts them through the fank. Cap waits for instructions.  Jan is coming into season, and has gone a bit nutty so she is in her kennel.

Guests are seeing basking shark off the point. I go to look. I am not so lucky, but there is a lovely view to the islands and the Haunn cottages.

Burnet rose hips.

Golden rod.

 The Point was sprayed for bracken last year and it is wonderful what flowers are appearing now. It is quite a special habitat out there.

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