Friday 30 May 2014

Counting lambs

J came over to help do the in-by lambs today.  The ewes were scanned in February, which means we knew how many lambs to expect.  Thus Farmer has been able to count up the expected lambs, minus the ones that died during lambing and compare with the number they marked today.  We are several lambs short.  No definitive explanation as to what happened to them.  

In the fank.

Waiting their turn. 

Down below the house, the field is a carpet of blue of the bluebells, forget-me-nots and speedwell and the white of pignut, with dots of yellow creeping in from buttercups and the wild flower meadow essential the yellow rattle.

Who has been sleeping in our field? The stag who got the wrong side of the deer fence the last time we opened the gate to let the hill ewes into a bit of in-by field.

Lady's mantle and speedwell on the washing green.

The roses are flowering beautifully outside the Studio now.

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